Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Amorphpophallus titanium (Bunga Bangkai)

Amazing PlantAmorphpophallus titanium (Bunga Bangkai) | Facts about the corpse flower (Amorphpophallus) are still unknown, many of our society. Often the corpse flower is still regarded as the same kind of Rafflesia flowers. Although the two different species began in the classroom.Apart from this difference, there are some other facts about the corpse flower is worthy, we all know. Here are some facts related to carcass Titan Arum flower are bangkai.Bunga creamy on the outside and on the rise.
While the crown is red-violet up. Insight into the current form looks like a flower blooming trumpet. Corpse flower grows tall, not wide. Height corpse flower Amorphophallus titanium species can reach about 4 m with a diameter of 1.5 m.These include carrion flower plants from the tribal talasan-taro (Araceae). Is a plant with compound interest in the world. Corpse flower titan arum can be grown. Corpse flower bulbs grow on its own.These flowers have two phases in his life, appearing alternately and continuously, the phase of vegetative and generative. In the vegetative stage, the lights appear to be similar to a single stem and leaf sight, papaya tree.

Tree height could reach 6 m. After several years, the reproductive organs unless the tuber dry up. If the environment is supported and tuber qualify this tree with the corpse flower grows to be replaced. The growth of compound interest, the withered tree is replaced, the generative phase of this plant.
Could grow new flowers if the bulbs have a minimum weight of 4 kg. As the stocks in the tuber or less is not yet reached a weight of 4 kg, then the tree will wither has been replaced by new trees.
In addition, the corpse flower is monoecious plants and protogini where the female flowers open, then followed by cooking of the male flowers, as a mechanism to prevent self-pollinated on. Edited serve to draw from the stench of this interest pollinating beetles and flies on the flowers. After the flowering period (about 7 days) is exceeded, then fade away dead flowers. And they went back through the cycle, returning to the vegetative growth phase, the new trees in the old corpse flower bulbs will.If fertilization takes place during the flowering period, it will form a red colored fruit with seeds on the former base of the flower. These seeds can be planted a tree in the vegetative phase. These seeds are now planted.

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
class: Liliopsida
Order: Alismatales
Family: Araceae
Genus: Amorphophallus

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